General Information

Restart / Reboot your Focustronic Gear 

Restarting / Rebooting your Focustronic Gear All Focustronic gear has to be restarted or Rebooted in the following sequence. Unplug / turn off leave for 30 seconds then replug / turn on

Quick Guide to... Unlinking FT Gear from the cloud

Unlinking FT Gear from the cloud One the issues we have with Second hand or pre-loved FT Units is the Previous owner has not unliked the Unit from his Account. Please contact them with the link below to ask them to unlink before you an get your unit online. As this is FT policy that we will not unlink a unit unless given permission from the previous own to do so. (

Quick Guide to.. Focustronic Integration & Automation of Hardware Diagram.

Focustronic Integration & Automation of Hardware Diagram. "Water Stability through true Integration and Automation" has been the true motivation behind Focustronic from its conception. Not just to control equipment, with warnings and manual reactions, but to be able to accomplish Tank water stability, (which after all is the base line we all strive for in the hobby,) and action on real test result information of the main elements, then automated action based on those results. We tend to...

Quick Guide.. to the Secrets of KH

The Secrets of KH The concepts of alkalinity and pH are one of the most important factors in a marine water system. In particular, the subject alkalinity is easy to misunderstand and is sometimes not described correctly. This article will enlighten you too how KH is the backbone of any Reef tank for growth and Sustainability. (

Quick Guide to.. Secrets of Coral Calcification

Quick Guide to.. Secrets of Coral Calcification This Guide will give you the ins and out of how Coral utilises CA, MG and KH to form the Coral structure and so give you the information to understand how Knowing how it forms can guide you to making sure the Testing of those with the MT and keeping them consistently growing and will lead to stronger coral formations and colours. (